Living with uncertainty in Eleuthera…..

Well we are definitely living with uncertainty in Eleuthera – just the same as the rest of the world right now. So finding ways of staying grounded during these times and not succumbing to fear, anger and panic at all that is unfolding around us takes a conscious effort.

At the moment we are looking at the possibility of a heavy storm at the weekend – hopefully not a hurricane by the time it reaches us – after a week of high winds and cooler temperatures with the cold front that is passing over right now.

I need to use the new plant and flower identifying App on my phone – but in the meantime what is the name of this plant ????

No news at the moment of any changes to the lifting of quarantine – as of November 1st quarantine restrictions were lifted for international travelers coming in to the island. The Covid test needs to be done 5 days before arrival – changed from the relaxation to 7 days which we had previously had enforced. No doubt it takes a lot of planning to get here – but visitors are starting to come back thankfully – and great news is that French Leave Resort will re-open on November 16th.

How lovely to have an additional place to eat at – their hours will be 11am – 10pm for lunch and dinner. The bar will be open from 12pm – 10pm. They advise that seating is limited so do make sure you make a reservation.

Did I tell you that Stephanie and Johnathan are open again at Sweet and Savory ? – well they are and serving delicious breakfast and lunch takeout. Give then a try if you are visiting – my favorite is the grilled shrimp wrap.

Thankfully the Buccaneer and Sunset Inn have kept open and very grateful we are for that. Also La Bougainvillea is open with their pizza night on Thursday – eat in or take-out….

Rough seas …..

The beaches have been pretty much deserted which has of course suited the dogs on their daily playdate – but that should soon change and it will be a welcome sight to see people enjoying the delights of our beautiful beaches again.

Xena with her latest beach treasure find – a doll’s leg !

Here at Colman Towers I have been really enjoying watching an Ottolenghi Masterclass. Have you seen them advertised on FaceBook and Instagram ? Well Yottem Ottolenghi you may remember from previous blogs is a Middle Eastern cook whose recipe books I love and use. His masterclass is a step by step guide to assorted dishes that he cooks. It is inspiring to see him actually make the dishes and talk you through it all. So when I have finished that I will be looking through others in the Masterclass series – not just cooking – it has a huge variety of assorted programs to choose from.

Having a good time or what – Halloween at Bacchus Fine Foods back in 2016 …

Halloween is usually a big performance at Colman Towers – but this year things were very low key. We did have about 8 lots of visitors – parents in cars bringing their masked up children for Trick or Treat – but nothing like the numbers we usually have. I was thankful for this – one because of the risk with Covid and two because I only had a very limited amount of candy ! Who knows what next year will bring….

This is from 2015 ! You should see Paris Sands now !

So keep on keeping on , be aware of just what ridiculous levels of stress we are all under and be kind to yourselves first and then to each other …..

Loving my new covers for the sofas in the Garden Room – thank so much to Joy Agius !

8 thoughts on “Living with uncertainty in Eleuthera…..”

  1. Yay JOY! Nice job matching the pattern across the cushions!
    That flower looks like “crown of thorns” if there are thorny stems below the leaf clusters.
    XENA is a great beachcomber….and has learned from the BEST!

  2. Thanks a couple of blogs ago: history update on Colman towers. What a transformation…a lot of vision…and pleasurable work.

    Talking about living with uncertainty, that’s where the DSA (d for divided) is. Hmm. Boy, how we wish for calming skies and seas for the planet.

    So, here we are. Forget politics. Embrace peace. Rejoice in nature. A chickadee landed in my hand yesterday. A blessing remindful of what it means to be one with the ether. Relax. What ever goes on around you is ephemeral.

    Mary has a beautiful crowns of thorns.

    No pics of Ceci? Is she still there? Missing all,

    Donna & Stuart (golfing early and alone every day)

    1. Ceci is in top form – keeping Rudge in his place – I will try for some pictures of her …. Glad that you have found your own way through all of this – and Stuart finds his way through it on the golf course ! Take care and stay safe….

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Kathy Colman

Writer, Interior Designer, Foodie, and Wife to Bob. Living in Eleuthera, Bahamas

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