Mary’s 94th Birthday Party and Some Fabulous On Island Reupholstery

Well Mary’s 94th birthday went very well – all the gossip on that this week and then news of some fabulous re-upholstery work done here on island.

Mum’s birthday did actually fall on Saturday so it was lovely to have the lunch party on the day ….. There were 15 of us all together and Angelika and Sandy from Bacchus Fine Foods did the catering.We had a huge spread with wonderful vegetable spring rolls, turkey empanadas – SO delicious, then teriyaki salmon with baby potatoes, green salad and greek salad. Absolutely tons of it all so most people went home with containers full of the surplus.

Looking very good at 94 …. by the way that beautiful vase of native plants here was done as a gift for Mary by the very kind and thoughtful Chris Johnson – Michele’s son. Huge thanks to him…

Tanya Knowles from Mo Sweets Bakery in Palmetto Point made cupcakes and chocolate covered strawberries which went down extremely well – and I actually made a desert – very simple ! – which is a biscuit crumb base then whipped cream with coconut rum and drained crushed pineapple folded in to it. A light grating of chocolate on the top and away you go !

Yummy or what ?
Dear Michele talking with Mary ….

Mary does have quite severe hearing loss but it was lovely to see her enjoying one to one conversations with our friends. Hearing loss can be such an isolating experience but when people take the time to sit and face her and talk one on one , she can help by partially lipreading and that works pretty well. She looked radiant and thoroughly enjoyed – and heard – being serenaded by us all warbling Happy Birthday !

Everyone happily tucking in to those spring rolls…

I asked the lovely Joanie Plourde to come and serve and generally help out and it made it a delight for me not to have any clearing up to do afterwards. If any of you want to entertain but not have the responsibility for everything then I highly recommend calling Joanie. She is very experienced in the hospitality industry and does a really good job – make life easier for yourself and share the load – my new mantra !!

Talk about service with a smile – the lovely Joanie

So sadly no news of naked dancing on tables or people falling down drunk for you – but it was a lovely party nonetheless !

That is not a birthday cake but a candle – stands in every time. Sorry this is a bit blurry but that’s how it came out !
All the usual suspects lined up ….

Now on to the news of some great reupholstery at Colman Towers. We have an oversized wing chair which I bought a good few years ago from a terrific place in Fort Lauderdale where I often found great one off pieces – sadly now closed down so no details to give you . Anyway I decided that it needed reupholstering in a fabric that would stand up to a working husband and a dog – even though Rudge is absolutely not allowed on the furniture of course we all know that when my back is turned he may well choose to park himself on the sofa or a chair …. So I did my research and came up with a fabric called Ultrasuede which is washable, scrubbable and pretty much indestructible. I nearly chose a bright plain color but in the end was swayed by the cowhide print. Now I know that this is not everybody’s choice but I think it is both fun and extremely practical. I have often used Gibson and Son Upholstery from Rock Sound to do work for us.

Before …..
and after ……

Solomon Gibson and his wife Sophia do a really great job. I cannot recommend them highly enough. They are not cheap – but they really are very good and super efficient. They come and pick up the piece and deliver it back as well – a first class job. Contact them on 242 551 3344 for any work you may want doing …..

OK friends – that’s all for this week. Keep smiling and finding things to be grateful for and spread a little happiness wherever you can…..

The gift of a lovely plant from dear Amanda
Thought that you just needed to see the food at the end !

12 thoughts on “Mary’s 94th Birthday Party and Some Fabulous On Island Reupholstery”

  1. Lovely post Kathy! Wishing Mary a very happy birthday. She looks fabulous! Lovely recommendations for Joannie and the Gibsons!

  2. Linda Bennett

    Mary Mom (I always think of her that way) looks radiant.

    Thank you for your blog. It has kept me in touch with Eleuthera in this winter that I have not been able to be there. Snow shoeing. That’s what I am doing!

    Linda Bennett

    1. Thanks Linda – I will pass your comment on to Mary…. And pleased that you have been keeping up with the news here in Eleuthera…..

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Kathy Colman

Writer, Interior Designer, Foodie, and Wife to Bob. Living in Eleuthera, Bahamas

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