Nothing much to report this week in Eleuthera

As we come in to February there is nothing much to report here in Eleuthera so you will be getting the minutiae of our life on a weekly basis – so be prepared to yawn and realize how exciting your own lives are in comparison…..

Biggest news of the week is that I ate the very first waffle of my life last Sunday …. I told you didn’t I – minutiae !!  Bob and I went to la Bougainvillea for lunch – it was a very nice buffet and there was the option of waffles as a desert and they were included so I threw all caution to the wind and decided to try one. Bob had his with syrup and I had chocolate sauce. Let’s just say I will not be rushing to order one again. Very sweet which is not my favorite thing but I am happy to say I gave it a try.

I don’t know why but when it is a big birthday year – 70 for me in August – I find myself saying now a woman who is going to turn – whatever the year may be – should have tried at least once – whatever the thing is by the time she is whatever the age.  So when I was going to turn 60 I said – a woman should have tried at least one martini by the time she is 60. Well that was a real treat – I had 2 one evening in a great bar in New York – very glamorous and sophisticated but I don’t think I have had one since. So I need to think of something a little more exotic than a darned waffle for 70. All suggestions gratefully received – preferably involving food or drink.

In my early 30’s I learned a new skill every year – horse riding, waterskiing , diving head first into a swimming pool , scuba diving. Then I realized it was about conquering fear and the yearly quest lost it’s urgency once I understood that. So I’m not looking to skydive or jump off a mountain – more about savoring new life experiences and as I said preferably food and drink related ……

Just thought I would throw this picture in of the console table in the dining area and the great Ikea mirrors – cheap as chips but got here in one piece unlike the expensive one I bought from Z Gallerie – beautifully packaged with 2 badly broken corners….

Other riveting news is that we are now the proud owners of a great leaf blower. This was one of my purchases at Harbor Freight Tools the other week – and oh what fun. Obviously not just blowing leaves but blowing stuff off the walls of the house and surrounding areas …. I think I need to get out more.

On that note – clever segue – or contrived lead in depending on how you look at it – Bacchus Fine Foods are restarting their Wednesday Pizza night hopefully as of February 8th. Do check with them please before turning up hungry and happy just in case there has been a hiccup in scheduling.  There are rumors as well that they may have a curry night – guess who will be first in line for that ……

Final bit of mind numbing minutiae for this week – I ordered a bed and mattress online from Ikea at Sunrise in Ft Lauderdale on Monday lunchtime and it was delivered to Seacor by 9am on Tuesday. Unbelievable service – so this will be here next Monday – one week from ordering to arriving in Eleuthera. Such little joys are what make me happy as you know. This means that we will have a spare bed in the house for when my sister Jane comes to stay in late March. Yippee…

Also in the yippee department Bob’s daughter Sami , her husband Billy, our granddaughter Genevieve and her husband James and our great granddaughter Cece are coming to stay in early March. Very excited about that and many baby pictures to follow so be warned……

Now just wake up if this has sent you into a sleepy stupor while I wish you a lovely weekend and ask you as I so often do to be kind to yourselves and to those around you whether you know them or not. These are difficult and trying times for many people and we all need to acknowledge that……

Windows and door going to what will be my office here at the house…

And windows going in to the gardeners cottage

And finally this great shot taken at a Halloween Party a few years ago at BFF – huge thanks to Marc Coeffic who took the picture way back when and then printed it out the other day and gave it to us. Now framed and in the house. I love that it shows all the wrinkles and creases but is still a glorious shot . And don’t you think that Bob makes a very attractive pirate?

4 thoughts on “Nothing much to report this week in Eleuthera”


      Thanks Kelly – are you here at the moment ? Very overcast and windy today so the dogs should get a good run as I don’t think there will be many people around ….. But of course you never know !

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Kathy Colman

Writer, Interior Designer, Foodie, and Wife to Bob. Living in Eleuthera, Bahamas

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