This week I am very conscious of living in the moment right here in Eleuthera. Being totally aware of what you are doing and where you are is a practice that I think is very important at this particular time. It is so easy to race through our days worrying about what may or may not happen in the future – or what has happened in the past – and it is exhausting …….
So trying to stay aware of your beautiful surroundings – or the comfort and security of your home – are two small practices that can help you stay grounded. Otherwise your imagination can run riot with worry and concern over a million different problems.

There is nothing wrong with remembering things that have happened in the past – this week was the one year anniversary of the awful Hurricane Dorian which struck Abaco and Grand Bahama and we should not forget the devastation it wrought in so many lives – but these things are for quiet contemplation or talking about with friends who also remember it – not filling your head while you are driving along in your car. When you are driving your car pay attention to what you are seeing as you drive along – feel gratitude that your trusty vehicle is getting you to where you want to be !
Nicole DeNardin wrote a post on FaceBook which I am linking here about her horrifying experience of surviving Hurricane Dorian. It is a long post and pretty harrowing to read – but it is a very important first hand record of the days it took for Dorian to wreak it’s devastating path throughout Abaco and Grand Bahama – worth a read …..
Needless to say gratitude – which you know I bang on about a lot – plays a big part in this awareness that I am advocating. When you find yourself lost in the maze of thoughts and worries about how things will pan out in the future – bring your awareness back to what you are doing or where you are. Be thankful for that delicious cup of coffee that you have nearly finished drinking without really tasting it – or look around you and give thanks for the sun shine and the sky being blue. Just try to be aware and have your eyes , ears and mind open to the beauty which surrounds us all …..

OK so on a slightly more prosaic note I will tell you about the joy of being able to eat lunch at the Buccaneer and last Sunday at la Bougainvillea and Monday night at Dan and Larry’s house on Cupid’s Cay. Of course I know you get the drift of me being very aware of the delights and pleasure I get from both eating and being with friends – just try to work out what your own delights and pleasures are during these confusing times.

I am very aware of not trying to present a PollyAnna view of life at the moment. We are all facing difficult situations and scary , threatening times – but that is why it is important to use awareness as a tool so that we don’t become overwhelmed with fear and worry……
Don’t for one moment think that personally we are not beset with the same problems you are all facing – we are all in this together – but somehow I have learned this technique that continues to make life joyful and beautiful in amongst all the angst and worry. I hope that you can learn to do the same….
I love these pictures below of Xena – who absolutely loves swimming in the ocean – she swims around for an hour at a time with short breaks to romp around on the beach. And the second one of Rudge who loves to swim when the conditions are right for him ! – just look at Xena’s face, visible and the right of that second picture ….

12 thoughts on “Living in the moment in Eleuthera”
Kathy, thanks for such a positive post.
You are very welcome Shirley – thank you for the comment …..
Right about now, I wish I was one of the swimmdogs. Kathy, you remain an inspiration for us. Yes, I read the Dorian saga. While ensconced in our spheres it is always sobering to reckon that many are sleeping in tents now after a year! Thanks as always for great photos to remind us where we hope to be again.
L, Donna XO
I talk about dog awareness a lot -same swim every day, same walks , same food – but unadulterated joy all the time !! Always lovely to hear from you …. Take care and stay safe….
I agree……your inspirational message of “awareness” arrived at exactly the right time.
Worrying about covid, the presidential election, getting back to Eleuthera, etc. was starting to
overtake a beautiful day.
But I’m back on track, aware of all the good things in life ! Thank you……
So thrilled to hear that – it is exactly what I am talking about …. Pass it on Joan !!
Dearest Kathy and Bob,/
We do enjoy reading your posts. You are a wonderful Lady of the word. Your Mom looks amazing and you, of course, look like a teenager! Seeing those photos makes us homesick for a swim in those beautiful waters.
We are fine, but hot, here in Southern Spain, but no blue seas to swim in. Hopefully one day we will be back.
Much love, Susie and Colin.xxxx
How great to hear from you and know you are reading this in Spain ….. And thank you for your kind words – we would so love to see you back here one day – stay safe xx
Alan and I both enjoyed this blog. It reminded us to have gratitude for what we have and everything around us. It made us remember to be aware of what we are doing and to have more appreciation of what we have and not to dwell on all the bad stuff around us these days. Thanks for making us try to stay in the moment instead of moving on to what might be.
Always lovely to know that you are reading the blog – keep safe both of you and I look forward to seeing you again here soon – ish !
Thank you for your uplifting note! So glad to see La Bougainvilla open again.I also can’t wait to swim in those beautiful waters again but we are enjoying our new Border Collie puppy, Angelica on our Vermont mountaintop.She makes us stop and smell( or is it chew?)the roses!As Julian of Norwich said in the calamitous 14th century” All shall be well and all shall be well All manner of things shall be well” Faith, hope, love, trust
Our lovely dogs make such a difference in our lives don’t you think ? A real gift – and thanks for the Julian of Norwich quote – I have heard it a lot over this year ….. Thank you for your comments ….