The best laid plans in Governors Harbour

This week I take a look at what happens when the best laid plans go awry in Governors Harbour….. I have written before about the amazing Mish and Zev Waserman of Boy Meets Girl Weddings and the fabulous events they plan and pull off – well this week’s blog is a tribute and fan letter to them both because of how adaptable they are in the face of unavoidable changes….

There was a wedding planned for last Saturday at the Beach House – a pretty big one as well – probably around 150 people I think – and on Friday afternoon I saw the lovely big 30′ x 50′ tent they had set up on the beach – right up at the highest tide line. The bar was there and a great dance floor in there as well. The ceremony itself was being held actually on the beach with chairs set out and a lovely bower that the couple would exchange vows under….. As you can see from the picture above !

Mish knew exactly what the tides were and had planned accordingly – but a full moon and rough seas meant that exceptionally high spring tides were threatening the safety of the tent. Plus winds were blowing at up to 25 miles an hour directly on to the beach. So on Saturday late morning the decision was made to dismantle the tent and all the lovely decorations that Mish had already put up . There was no space to erect the tent anywhere else on the property so Mish went ahead and set everything that was needed on the deck area around the pool. It looked great and everyone was happy ….

Setting up on the Beach House deck….
The night before …… Tent up and decorations looking ,lovely

What impressed me most was how Mish, Zev and their team were so cheerful and efficient while taking the tent down and getting it stowed away while also having to create a new setting for the ceremony – at 3.30pm ! If you ever wanted to see a demonstration of a great team at work – no panic or anger visible at all then this is the team to use !

Nice eh ?

I had taken Bob down to view the tent on Friday evening because as soon as I saw it I thought it would be perfect for our own event in December and he agreed ! Hopefully we will not have any problems with high tide – as many of you know we live on the top of the hill in Governors Harbour and the event will be on our own property !!

Saturday morning and the tent is down – folded in 2 so far…..
Trying to get it flattened out with the wind whipping it up.
Final folding ….

If you are planning an event here then once again I recommend Mish and Zev – a young , very talented, skillful and enthusiastic pair with a great team who are real ‘can do ‘ people….. Just what you need if your best laid plans go awry !

I wanted you to see this fun piece from the Antony Gormley exhibition that I keep wittering on about week after week !
It is made from slices of white bread – it is called Mother’s Pride which is well known as a sliced supermarket bread in the UK !

2 thoughts on “The best laid plans in Governors Harbour”

    1. Haha – I forget that you are not used to my turn of phrase !! or should that be turn of phrases – or turns of phrases ?????

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Kathy Colman

Writer, Interior Designer, Foodie, and Wife to Bob. Living in Eleuthera, Bahamas

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