8 years of blogging plus dining at BFF

Eleuthera Beach

Yes dear friends – it is 8 years since I started this blog and I can’t believe that I still find things to ramble on about after all this time – right ? I am putting a link HERE to the very first post that I wrote….  Much has happened in those 8 years and I think that I will spend some time over the next few days re- reading those early posts.

I have just looked at 2 posts – “5 things I can’t live without ” and “5 more things I can’t live without ” and I was surprised to see that only one thing that I mention I am managing perfectly well to live without and that is the Crabtree and Evelyn Noel room oil. Sadly this is discontinued now. Actually I just googled it – as you do ! – and it is available on eBay but at $99 for a small bottle that used to cost about $20 I don’t think I will be going for it . Anyway – it used to be used with a metal ring that you sat on top of a light bulb and the heat from the bulb infused the room with it’s fragrance. Now with LED bulbs you don’t get that heat. I have used it in an aromatherapy diffuser which does work very well – but as I say I am managing perfectly well without it !

And one other link – couldn’t resist this early post about Joe- Louis our first potcake here – check this one out – Joe – Louis our communal dog at Governors Estate

Of course we love Rudge dearly and don’t want to put his nose out of joint by not mentioning him as well !

Now on to more current things and specifically a wonderful evening we enjoyed last week at Bacchus Fine Foods. We met up with good friends John and Beth Allen who have a home here in Eleuthera and arranged a private dinner for the 4 of us at BFF – we haven’t all been together for far too many years so it was really lovely to catch up and pick up where we left off.

Bob and Beth in a clinch

John and I had Angelika’s special curries – one chicken, one shrimp as well as roti bread, rice and her fabulous tomato, onion and cilantro salad. Needless to say I ate too much and was slightly uncomfortable but boy was it worth it ! Bob and Beth both had steak au poivre . Oh yes and I forgot to tell you about the appetizers – vegetable samosas and spinach pakoras – such a treat for me as I crave Indian food on a regular basis. It was so  uplifting to reconnect and brought home to me again how very important our friendships are.

John and I – with me wearing an extra napkin tucked inside my pale pink suit so that I don’t finish up wearing the curry !

On Sunday we took Mary for lunch and I enjoyed a cold Bloody Caesar – usually that is a drink that Jane and I enjoy before going out for Sunday lunch – so this one was tribute to her as she wasn’t with us. But she will be here in 7 weeks time – yippee !

Sprawling Towers continues to progress as you can see from these latests pictures. The outside is being painted now – the color is very like the color of pink sand and the interior paint arrives on Monday – so that should go on soon.

Not 100% sure yet !
These alcoves will be mirrored in the bedroom with a small light in each one

We are enjoying watching The Lincoln Lawyer on Netflix – recommended if you are looking for something new to watch. Any recommendations from you are always welcome – thanking you in advance. Also reading a great book – called Great Circle by Maggie Shipstead – also recommended

So dear friends, have a good weekend, treasure your friends and family and be kind to those who are experiencing difficult and trying times. We often have no idea what is going on behind those pleasant facades we all try to show to the world.

Work in progress in the living room…..



10 thoughts on “8 years of blogging plus dining at BFF”

  1. Funny,John and Beth Allen are our neighbors but we’ve never met them.We have met 2 new/ old neighbors on our beach this week however.How do you manage to meet so many people?That would be a story!

    1. I met Beth after I met her daughter on a plane coming out here 18 years ago – and she said oh you must meet my Mom – she has just bought a house here. That was it ! I suppose because of both the construction company and the rental business that is how we know so many people ….

  2. Donna & Stuart xxoo

    Oh Kathy. Can you believe l am remiss in staying in touch? I started reading and enjoying your blog since inception. YES! just finished Lincoln Lawyer. Many great productions to enjoy! We’ve been busy planning several weeks in Maui for our wedding anniversary and thereafter back to GHB. Thanks always for your news.

    1. kathy@kathycolman.com

      Glad to know you are OK and planning exciting trips ! Lovely to hear from you and best to you both xx

  3. Kathy, your blog has kept us in touch with Governor’s news and your own life for eight years. Along with you, we, your readers, have undergone many changes in our own lives, some positive with personal and family growth and others negative, with health issues and family disruptions. Fortunately for many, we have overcome and continued to live these golden years with joy and a sense of accomplishment. Here, in Governors Harbour, we continue to embrace our surroundings and our friends with gratitude, in the knowledge that we have found paradise and appreciate our good fortune every day.
    Thank you for all you do.
    Eileen Gray.

  4. Becky N Bones

    I just came upon your blog. Interesting read. My family has made Eleuthera our vacation destination since 1966, by way of the Cotton Bay Club (so sad it’s demise) working our way to a few specific homes around French Leave.
    Eleuthera will always remain our “happy place, that cures all”. Hoping ELU stays peaceful, away from the maddening crowds who don’t appreciate her.

    1. kathy@kathycolman.com

      How lovely that you discovered the blog ! And delighted to hear that Eleuthera is your happy place too….

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Kathy Colman

Writer, Interior Designer, Foodie, and Wife to Bob. Living in Eleuthera, Bahamas

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