A bit of this and that in Eleuthera this week…..

Another one of those blogs that is a bit of this and that here in Eleuthera this week – no news on Bob’s operation so still playing a waiting game with that and trying to get on with life in the meantime. Sad news that dear Bill Burrows died this week. Some of you may remember that in October 2015 I interviewed Bill about his memories of working at Potlatch – here is a link to that blog – he was a great character and we send our condolences to his family…. It is sad when people with a wealth of memories about ongoing aspects of the community here die – I am just very thankful that I got him to share some of them with us . RIP dear Bill…..

On Sunday we took Mary – our Mum – to have a walk around Sprawling Towers. This is the first time that she has actually walked around it – previously she has only seen it from the car. She oohed and ached in all the right places and said she was exhausted afterwards. So we retired to Colman Towers and had a lunch of egg and chips ! As you know in the UK chips are what you call home fries – and it is a favorite delicacy (?) at our house !

oh yes please ….
Walking around with Mary who did as she was told and wore a hat in the heat !

The work at Sprawling Towers continues apace – the other day Bob and I were on our early morning visit and he said that with all the guys working hard it looked like the set of Ben Hur – all that was missing was someone in a chariot ! The verandas at one end of the house are about to be poured and the blockwork is going up quickly for the 2 lower level rooms – one of which will be my home office. Every evening at about 5.30pm we make a visit to the site to see what has been done during the day and to have a little dream about how life will be there.

We enjoyed a rare evening out this week at the Taglich house – Lush Life – and ate a fabulous Indian meal cooked by Angelika Bacchus who really knows her way around curries ! It was a lovely social evening talking with 3 of Mike and Claudia’s daughters. The youngest two are both off to college in a couple of weeks – so shocking at how quickly the years have gone by – but so interesting to hear how their views on life are developing. They are all very intelligent but sometimes it makes my heart heavy to hear of the many challenges that young people are facing these days….

A great picture of us together – rare to get one together….. And I know he doesn’t have his collar on but had taken it off to have the picture taken ….
from left to right – Stephanie, Stella, Hope – two of the Taglich sisters, Jane, me and Claudia….
Good to see Bob laughing along with Mike and Claudia – this time collar is at least half on
good friends ….

Finally at the weekend Jane and I gave Rudge a haircut ! He moults a lot of course in the heat and our floor at home shows every damn hair – so I bought a pair of hair clippers and I held him while Jane sheared him – not anything too drastic – no5 if you are worried ! – he was very good until I tried to use the clippers up around his neck – then he was not happy so I did that bit with scissors . Now he looks really streamlined and I swear he is not dropping anything like the amount of hair he has been doing …..

Have a great weekend and take care of yourselves…..

4 thoughts on “A bit of this and that in Eleuthera this week…..”

  1. I missed this blog because I was in the hospital. Ugh!
    Sprawling Towers looks absolutely hugh and wonderful!
    What a great job that you and Jane did with Rudge!

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Kathy Colman

Writer, Interior Designer, Foodie, and Wife to Bob. Living in Eleuthera, Bahamas

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